Azerbaijani short film at festival in Brno

 The film «Qara» («Black»)  by the Azerbaijan director  Novruz Hikmet takes part in the competition program of the International Short Film Festival «Brno16», which  is taking plce from October 15 to October 18 in the Czech city of Brno.  The film «Qara»  is a joint Azerbaijani-Ukrainian project which was made in Baku and Kiev with participation of  non-professional actors. The film narrates about the strangeness of the fate of a young man associated with criminal  structures.

"The idea of ​​the film was born by accident. I arrived in Baku for two weeks, and  I terribly wanted to shoot something  in   my  hometown. First, I met with Sarhan - a star in my film, and immediately realized that he must participate in this project, although I did not  fully understand what  the film will be about.

Later, in Gobustan, I accidentally met Sabir (performer second starring role), and gradually began to develop the overall picture," says the director Novruz Hikmet about the history of tape.

The authors of the script are Novruz Hikmat and Samira Najaf. Operator - Seymour Seyidbayli. Starring: Sarhan and Sabir Mammadov Kerimov.

Novruz Hikmet is  a graduate of the directing  faculty of the Azerbaijan University of the Arts. The last five years  he lives and works in Ukraine. His previous  film "Sakura" participated in international festivals.

“Brno 16”  is a prestigious festival, which is held for the 54th time. The name of the  forum comes from the cinema slang  which means a film format 16 mm in width.

 Every year directors representing the student, amateur and professional works gather in Brno. This year films  by filmmakers from Poland, Germany, Mexico, Colombia, Iran, India, Croatia, etc. take part  in the festival.  The movies are rated by professional jury including  representatives of Great Britain, Slovakia, Poland, the Czech Republic, and Serbia. -02D-

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