Eldaniz Guliyev: Our viewer is inclined to tragicomedy

Baku/04.08.17/Turan: Today, film production in Azerbaijan is going through a crisis, a troubled period, Eldaniz Guliyev, a film screenwriter, said in an interview with the Çətin sual program ("The Difficult Question" of Turan Agency.)

The cinematography of each country is based on values ​​such as dignity, conscience, morality and spirituality. Azerbaijani cinema in this sense is no exception, Guliyev said.

Cinema in Azerbaijan appeared in 1898 - just 3 years after the Lumiere brothers staged their famous photo viewing on the Boulevard Cappuccini in Paris in the Cafe Shantan.

In Azerbaijan, then a photographer named Michon made several documentaries. Thus, the foundation of the film industry was laid in Azerbaijan. Since that time, cinema has become a part of culture and spirituality in Azerbaijan. The education of a positive, happy, spiritual person is the philosophy of cinema and film industry, says Eldaniz Guliyev.

As for the commercial benefits of the film industry, today this sphere does not bring income. So, the main base of film production of the country "Azerbaijanfilm" today does not work in full force. The state order, it can be said, is equal to zero. Talented and professional filmmakers are busy with what they can, and some are unemployed.

Cinemas are often half empty. One of the reasons is social network, the Internet, where you can also see everything. Therefore, talk about profits in the movies today is not necessary. In addition, the quality and level of the films leaves much to be desired.

When asked what kind of genre the local spectator prefers, Eldaniz Guliyev answered that traditionally the Azeri spectators prefer comedies and tragedies. It is no coincidence that along with the documentaries shot in 1898, there was a comedy among Michel's films. It was called "İlişdin ha" ("Well, you're caught"). It was a funny situational film with a fall, a pursuit and a flight: both comedy and tragedy, which speaks of our mental consciousness.

As for the acceptance of Azerbaijani films on the international arena, this is a difficult and complex issue. As the world cinema is highly developed, it uses innovations, great technical achievements, artistry. Unfortunately, Azerbaijani cinema, intentionally or not, has lagged behind in its development.

Therefore, the participation of Azerbaijani cinema in some prestigious festivals has been reduced to zero.

Participation usually comes down to second-rate festivals. There are no copyright films, professionals, screenwriters, directors, actors, artists, composers - all fled. So it's not necessary to talk about a good movie that would hit a prestigious festival, Eldaniz Guliyev summed up. -03D-

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