Khanlar Veliyev was told - save yourself as you can

Baku/02.11.21/Turan: "We have found that more than 100 people were subjected to various forms of physical violence only in the case of torture in connection with the terror case." On November 1, Deputy Prosecutor General - Military Prosecutor of Azerbaijan Khanlar Veliyev told reporters about this. According to him, although during the investigation some people were brought to justice, it later turned out that they were innocent: “Therefore, the criminal case against these people was dropped. I want to say that the Military Prosecutor's Office tried to be objective. I think this has been achieved,” Veliyev said.

According to Veliyev, during the investigation by the military prosecutor's office, it was established that prior to the military prosecutor's office investigating the persons suspected of high treason, serious physical violence had been committed. As a result, one person died before the Military Prosecutor's Office opened a criminal case. Torture was unlawfully applied to servicemen on a massive scale. Therefore, immediately criminal cases were opened against 16 different officials who tortured the detainees, and they were sentenced to long terms of imprisonment. Veliyev also said that the accusations of some people in connection with the "Terter case" are groundless.

Did the prosecutor's office really conduct an objective investigation into the "Terter case"?

Political observer Arastun Orujlu answered these and other questions in the "Difficult Question" program.

According to him, neither the General Prosecutor's Office, nor the Military Prosecutor's Office were objective in connection with the Terter case.

“We need to figure out what is called the Terter affair. In my understanding, the Terter case is an unprecedented mass crime committed in Terter, committed against the Azerbaijani military personnel. I call it "the crime of the century," he said.

According to Orujlu, the General Prosecutor's Office and the Military Prosecutor's Office, together with the General Staff and other state structures, are the main organizers of this crime. And there can be no question of objectivity and legality. According to the observer, Khanlar Veliyev's statement is nothing more than an attempt to save himself. It contains threats and is an attempt to intimidate those who talk about the crimes committed in Terter.

In April this year, Khanlar Veliyev has already made a statement on the Terter case. Veliyev stated that all charges of committing a crime in Terter are tales. This statement is diametrically opposed to the current one.

In my opinion, they made it clear to Khanlar Veliyev: either make a (inaudible) statement, or save yourself as best you can. –0—


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