Strategic dialogue between Washington and Yerevan against the backdrop of instability in Armenia

Baku/05.05.22/Turan: The talks between the government delegations of the United States and Armenia held in Washington, on May 3 resulted in signing a  joint statement "On the strategic dialogue between the United States and Armenia".

This event took place against the backdrop of an unstable socio-political situation in Armenia. The protests that began two weeks ago in the regions of Armenia are already taking place in Yerevan. The protesters demand the resignation of Prime Minister Pashinyan and his government.

What does this  step by the US promise for the region, against the backdrop of increased political tension in Armenia?

Political observer Nasimi Mammadli spoke about this in the program "Difficult Question".

According to him, until recent years, the United States considered the South Caucasus as a whole and pursued a policy that corresponded to this view.

“Washington did not perceive Azerbaijan, Georgia and Armenia as different countries with their own specific features and interests. However, recently, in particular after 2016, this approach began to change. After Nikol Pashinyan came to power in Armenia, this process became irreversible. From that moment on, the US began to determine its priorities in these countries in a differentiated way,” Mammadli said.

According to the observer, Armenia is a very attractive country for the United States, because there is a large Armenian diaspora in the United States, which can even influence state policy in one form or another. At the same time, the Prime Minister of Armenia is a politician who came to power largely thanks to US support.

“After Pashinyan came to power, Armenia looks closer to the United States, more pro-American. But is it so from a political and military point of view? This is largely a contentious issue,” he said.

According to him, Armenia is Russia's main ally in the South Caucasus. “Neither Azerbaijan nor Georgia are close to Russia like Armenia is. It is the only member of the "Russian NATO" in the South Caucasus - the CSTO, again, Armenia is the only country in the South Caucasus, on the territory of which (in the city of Gyumri) the 102nd Russian military base is deployed. Armenia is Russia's main partner in the South Caucasus. The Russian-Armenian Joint Group of Forces is located on the territory of Armenia and is directed against NATO member Turkey. However, Russia is not satisfied with the pro-Western government of Pashinyan, who links the future of Armenia with the West. Therefore, it is trying in every possible way to slow down the peace process,” the expert emphasized, adding that the United States has a completely different approach - Washington is trying to establish guardianship over the Pashinyan government. The United States supports him and helps him continue his pro-Western political course. –0-

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