Why are veterans protesting?

Baku/03.06.22/Turan: On May 2, a group of veterans of the Second Karabakh War held a protest in front of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population (MLSPP). Their protest was related to the establishment of disability and the receipt of social assistance. The veterans demanded that Minister Sahil Babayev come out to them and solve their problems. Having been refused, the veterans broke down the door and burst into the reception room.

In turn, the public relations department of the MLSPP confirmed that the veterans' demand is related to an examination to establish disability.

“Each appeal has been registered and will be investigated, and measures will be taken,” the ministry said.

According to the source, some veterans committed illegal acts in the reception department, breaking computers, entrance doors, turnstiles and thereby causing damage to state property. “In this regard, measures will be taken,” the ministry said.

Military expert Uzeyir Jafarov and a participant in the action, chairman of the Public Association of Young Veterans (PAYV) Haji Veliyev tell about the reason for the veterans' protest in the program "Difficult Question".

According to Haji Veliyev, two months ago, about 40 veterans came to the MLSPP and demanded that their rights be respected. However, instead of solving their problems, ministry employees were rude to veterans, infuriating them.

“Employees of the ministry asked me to calm the veterans and promised to help in solving their problems. I persuaded the veterans to calm down. After that, the employees of the MLSPP asked me to represent these veterans, draw up their lists and promised to help in solving their problems,” Veliyev said.

According to Veliyev, after the lists were compiled and handed over to the employees of the MLSPP, they assured that the problems would be resolved. And in fact, about 10-15 days later, it became known that the problems of about 10 people were resolved.

“But this is where things got stuck. No assistance was provided to the rest of the veterans, and no one called or contacted them. In short, the red tape continued,” says the veteran.

According to him, then he again compiled lists of veterans in need of solving problems with disabilities and presented them on April 29 to the head of the Department of Social Security Policy Babek Huseynov.

“I recalled that they had promised to solve the problems of veterans. After that, there were calls from the ministry to 2-3 veterans, but that was the end of it, no problems were resolved,” Veliyev said, adding that on May 24 he was presented with the next list to the MLSP.

“After that, the employees of the MLSP stopped responding to my calls and written requests. Later it turned out that the veterans came to Baku, but the MLSP refused to accept them,” he said.

According to Veliyev, veterans called him almost every day, and finally, the day before yesterday, about 10 veterans came to his house and demanded that he go to the MLSPP with them.

Veliyev claims that the Deputy Ministers of the LSPP Anar Aliyev and Anar Kerimov, as well as the chairman of the State Agency for Medical and Social Expertise and Rehabilitation under the MLSP Anar Bayramov do not respond to veterans' appeals in connection with their inclusion in the "Form 88" (Referral for medical and social expertise) . Although these appeals were back in January.

“That's why the outraged veterans came to the building of the MLSPP and started protesting,” he concluded.

According to military expert Uzeyir Jafarov, the way the veterans acted is, of course, unacceptable. But a much greater fault lies with the leadership of the MLSPP, which has created an atmosphere of indifference and disregard for people.

 “It was they who, with their heartlessness, brought the veterans into a state of passion. The MLSPP needs to be urgently reformed. Half of the employees of this organization should be laid off. Many of them simply wipe their pants. It is impossible to understand how such an attitude can be shown to people who shed blood for us…”, he said.--0--

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