A-QROUP increased by LCA and Hull

Insurance Company A-QROUP paid in January and December last year to customers of all cases of voluntary insurance of 6 million 100.95 thousand manats, which is almost 780 more than the level of 2011.

Of this amount, 5.53 million manat paid by private insurance, 573.55 thsd AZN - property insurance.

In this case, payments for voluntary health insurance (VHI) totaled 89.5% of all payments or 5 million 457.62 thousand manats.

Premiums for the past year in the aggregate amounted to 14.1 million manat, which is 5.9 mln more than in the same period of 2011. Of these, almost all revenues contributed to voluntary types. By the way, the insurance company, much typing rating points, the last two years has risen in ranking of the leading insurance companies, re-enter the top ten.

Prizes of A-QROUP personal insurance totaled 11.57 million manat, of which 11.48 million manat are prizes for VHI. For insurance against accidents there was 90.44 thsd manats.

Property insurance company brought in last year 2.51 million manat, of which 2.18 million manat allocated to Hull car insurance. This is more than a substantial sum for those who specialize mainly in the non-property positions.

Liability insurance in general, brought the company 61.88 thsd manats.

For all positions of compulsory insurance company in January-December gathered AZN 11.52 thsd.

Company "A-Qroup" started insurance business in 1995.

Paid-up share capital of the company is equal to 4 719.5 million manat.

The company provides three types of compulsory and 15 types of voluntary insurance.

Traditionally, the bulk of the total income of "A-Qroup" accounts for voluntary health insurance. - 17D-


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