Baku in the fourth hundred of world cities in innovations

Baku is located on the 345th line in the ranking of large cities that have implemented innovative technologies.

According to the Innovation Cities Index (, in the eighth edition of the annual list the results of the 445 largest settlements in the world are reflected. The top ten are San Francisco, New York, London, Boston, Paris, Vienna, Munich, Amsterdam, Copenhagen and Seattle.

Neighbors of the capital of Azerbaijan are Tomsk (Russia) and Colombo (Sri Lanka) - two lines above and Kosice (Slovakia) and Newcastle (Australia) - two lines below.

The initiative of making such a rating comes from the Australian company 2thinknow. The purpose is to help entrepreneurs interested in the development of innovation and the search for an optimal region for this. On the list the cities are divided into five categories corresponding to the level of support for innovation: Nexus, Hub, Node, Influencer and Upstart.

The total score is given to cities on the evaluation of three criteria: the level of culture (as a source of ideas), the level of infrastructure and basic conditions for innovation. Baku is in the fourth category - below are only mega cities - beginners in innovation.

Of the famous cities below Baku are located Izmir, Kiev, Volgograd, Kharkov and Dnepropetrovsk. - 17D-

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