Coming audit of uncontrolled land reclamation and road maintenance funds

At a meeting of the Accounting Chamber of Azerbaijan on May 6 they approved the "Review of the performance of the State budget for 2013." They decided to send the document to the Milli Majlis.

It was also decided to conduct a series of tests for targeted use of budgetary funds. In particular, it will be audited in JSC «Azeryolservis" (construction of bridges across the rivers Findygly and Cholpan) and JSC «Irrigation and Water Management of Azerbaijan" (controls the South Mugan channel and Bilasuvar irrigation system).

Recall, the Accounting Chamber in the past year conducted 75 targeted audits in the country, in all cases to find the composition of financial crimes. The outcome of the raids sent to the Prosecutor General, to all the rest - to the Parliament.

The Accounting Chamber of Azerbaijan is accountable to the country's parliament and has been effective since December 7, 2001 as the authority controlling budget spending in the AR.

Senior officials (members of the Board, which consists of the chairman, his deputy and seven auditors) are elected every seven years.

Accounting Chamber of Azerbaijan, as a rule, is limited to generalities about the board meeting, without giving specific figures and data. According to Article 6.0.3 of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On receiving information" ("Basic Principles of information"), the disclosure of budget revenues and expenditures is the responsibility of government agencies, including the Chamber of Accounts. - 17D-

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