Assets of Muganbank by April 1 totaled 343 million 894 thousand manats (+2.6 % YTD).
According to this financial structure, the volume of its loan portfolio over the period increased by 10.9 %, amounting to 243 million 859 thousand manats. Liabilities of the bank are at 295 million 73 thousand manats, and on deposit accounts is 166 million 644 thousand manats .
The bank's equity grew to nearly requirements of the Central Bank (48 million 821 thousand manats) with the amount of the authorized capital being 41.31 million manat.
Net profit in the first quarter amounted to 1 million 903.53 thousand manats.
Muganbank was formed in November 1992. Chairman of the Board is Elmir Hasanov . Shareholders of the bank are Elmir Mehdiyev (63.5 %) and three other individuals. - 17D-
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