Expert proposes to determine the minimum wage in hourly method

Azerbaijan needs a change from monthly to hourly minimum wage, as is customary in the world. But even in these circumstances, Azerbaijan does not fulfill the requirement of the European Social Charter, according to which, the guaranteed minimum wage should be at least 60 % of the average wage, experts say.

On September 1, the minimum wage in Azerbaijan increased from 93.5 to 105 manat. For this indicator, Azerbaijan occupies the eighth place among the CIS countries. Expert at the Center for Economic Initiatives Samir Aliyev believes that there is no direct dependence of the minimum wage on the average salary. Previously, the salary minimum increase by the government was followed by the wage growth in the private sector, but now this is not observed. In addition, according to the Tax Code, exempt from tax is not a minimum wage but living wage (116 manat in 2013).

According to Samir Aliyev, the country also needs a transition to a minimum payment of wages on a sector basis. But even in these conditions, guaranteed by the state minimum wage in Azerbaijan should be at least 247 manats, as required by the position of the European Social Charter. - 08D-


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