Rövşən Ağayev

Rövşən Ağayev

Inflation will not hit the pockets of senior officials. In 2015, the state budget expenditures for the maintenance of the top executive and legislative branches will grow by 23.3% with the overall growth of its expenditure side (21.1 billion manat) by 5.2%.

Discussions around the parameters of the draft state budget are conducted not only in the parliamentary offices, but also in social networks: after the NGO coalition National Budget Group virtually stopped its activities, community activists moved to social networks, where they discuss topical problems of the economy.

According to the deputy chairman of the public association Assistance to Economic Initiatives Rovshan Agayev, in 2015 the government prepares wage growth possible only for employees of the state apparatus. Expenditure on the Administration of the President of the country will be 73.1 million manat (+9.2 million manat), the Cabinet - 99.2 million manat (+23.5 million manat), Milli Mejlis - 23.4 million manat (+4.3 million. manat). In general, it is planned to spend 195.7 million manat on this, which is 23.3% more than in 2014.

The state apparatus in 2015 will cost 552.4 million manat, increasing by 26.7 million manat. Analyzing the internal structure of these costs, the economist concluded that the government intends to raise the wages of employees of the state apparatus at the expense of cutting so-called "other expenses" by 121 million manat. As a result of this combination, the payroll of employees of the supreme power will increase by 84.4 million manat or 37.3%, to 310.3 million manat.

Most of all the Cabinet cared about its own staff that will gain 22.3 million manat more than this year. --08B--

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