In a team of underdeveloped countries

This year Azerbaijan ranked 82 in the Global Innovation Index with 30.6 points. The tenth global survey was conducted by the Cornell University of the United States, the French business school INSEAD and the World Intellectual Property Organization at the United Nations. This year, scientists analyzed data on 127 countries, where 92% of the world's population live and which account for almost 98% of world GDP.

Switzerland took the first place in the ranking for the seventh time in a row. Sweden, the Netherlands, the United States, the United Kingdom, Denmark, Singapore, Finland, Germany and Ireland are also among the best.

Compared with last year, our country has moved three steps forward, and it is very pleasant. However, the sad fact is that it still remains in the group of "underdeveloped countries", neighboring Kenya, Liberia, Jordan. Worst of all, Armenia and Georgia, which do not possess even half of the resources and potential of Azerbaijan, ranked much better - 50th and 68th, respectively. And other CIS neighbors were ahead of us: Russia - 45th place, Ukraine - 50th, Moldova - 54th, Kazakhstan - the 78th. Weak consolation is that Belarus took 88th place, Tajikistan - 94th, Kyrgyzstan - 95th. The last in the list were Niger, Zambia, Togo, Guinea and Yemen.

The Global Innovation Index is based on several indicators, in particular on the level of investment in research and development, as well as the introduction of innovative ideas in production, which, according to researchers, is one of the key factors for economic growth. The costs of countries for education and infrastructure development are also analyzed.

An independent expert Azer Mehdiyev points out, in our country there is a potential for the production of competitive products in many areas. But some technological achievements do not replace the main one: in Azerbaijan, the scientific potential is not involved in the process of economic development, therefore, it is not necessary to talk about an innovative model of economic development.

"The reasons for low innovation activity in the country are related to a number of problems. First, the number of scientists engaged in research and development is being reduced. The outflow of people from science is facilitated by low salaries, the lack of conditions and finances for scientific development. A clear indication of the attitude of the state towards science is the investment allocated to this sphere, does not reach 1% of GDP, which is an extremely low figure in the world. In the world science rankings, the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan occupies peripheral places - more than 1800 ... Can we talk about innovations and technologies in such conditions?" Mehdiyev said.

Another reason for the situation is intellectual migration, when promising scientists go abroad, taking with them fresh ideas and developments. The outflow of professional personnel negatively affects the growth rate of the country's economy, reduces the quality of human capital in the sphere of innovation and science. As a result, Azerbaijan's annual direct losses can be estimated at no less than $3 million.

Imperative institutes, insufficient indicators of development of the internal market and results of creative activity interfere with realization of innovative potential.

"One of the important indicators of The Global Innovation Index is the number of graduates of universities, doctors of science, and patents for a million people. In Azerbaijan, in this sphere, indices are very modest, said the expert for education Ebitar Aliyev. The main funding is allocated for the planned release of specialists and conducting theoretical research. It is also not necessary to hope for successful implementation of developments in the economy."

According to Aliyev, without changing state policy in the scientific sphere, supporting innovative initiatives, real work of technic parks, Azerbaijan will not be able to take the leading positions in The Global Innovation Index. The development of innovative activities contributes to the increase in the cost of scientific research, it is also necessary to increase the scientific and technical potential, expand the research capabilities of universities.

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