Investments by Azerbaijani companies in the CIS need to diversify

Published "Monitoring of mutual investments in the CIS - 2014". The document, developed by the Center for Integration Studies of the Eurasian Development Bank (EDB IIC), noted that the volume of direct investments of the CIS and Georgia at the end of 2013 amounted to $ 49.1 billion, which is 5.5% lower than a year earlier. Russia accounted for almost 85% of the accumulated mutual direct investment ($ 41.63 billion) in the region, and 9% - the share of Kazakhstan ($ 4.37 billion).

Azerbaijani companies prefer to invest in the CIS countries in the field of transport. Main partners are Belarus and Georgia. Local investment grew in Georgia and Ukraine due to the government-controlled investors. Azeris, according to analysts, are actively engaged in small projects. For example, in Kazakhstan, more than 700 companies from our country have invested.  

By the end of 2013, accumulated direct investment from Azerbaijan in the amount of $ 1.25 billion., Of which $ 820 million. Invested in the transport sector, which indicates not in favor diversification. The major donor is SOCAR, whose share comes to $ 720 million. State Oil Company, SOFAR, JSC Azerbaijan Railways and Azersun Holding invested in oil terminal in Georgia, the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway, and the construction of a logistics center in free economic zone "Seaport Aktau" in Kazakhstan.

According to the center, SOCAR takes the 15th place among the CIS investors. --17D-

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