JSC Irrigation and Water Management of Azerbaijan to Buy Land for Public Needs

On August 3 the Cabinet of Ministers adopted a decree defining Irrigation and Water Management of Azerbaijan as an agency procuring land for the state needs.

Purchase of land will be carried out in the framework of the project "Reconstruction of the irrigation system Samur-Absheron". It is noteworthy that many of the works on the construction of the canal that began in 2009 have been completed.

Until now, the project "Reconstruction of the irrigation system of the Samur-Absheron" paid the following compensation (http://www.oilfund.az/az_AZ/layiheler/samur-abseron-suvarma-sisteminin-qurulmasi.asp#sthash.O7jrW9rE.dpuf):

- Construction of reservoirs Tahtakorpu - 2.4 million manats;

- Relocation of residents from the territory covered in the construction strip - 1.5 million manats;

- Relocation of gas pipes - 20 million manats. The aim of this project is to create a source of water supply of Baku and Sumgait, and the production of 25 MW of electricity.

The project is financed by the State Oil Fund. As of 1 July 2015, under the contracts with contractors there was used 1 billion 196.1 million manats, including in the first half of this year - 46.5 million. manats. --08D-

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