Monthly plan customs perform under any circumstances

In the first quarter of this year by the State Customs Committee transferred to the state budget of 732.8 million manat, which is 14.5% more than in the same period of 2013.

In June, customs payments for imports of goods amounting to 135.3 million manat were provided. This is 2 million manat more than in the previous three months. It is noteworthy that in the early months if the ratio of the two main types of customs revenue (customs duty and VAT) is one to three, then in June the volume of import duties (63.5 mln) almost approached the VAT (66 million manat).

In the first half of the year duties amounted to 184.4 mln and VAT - 513 million manat. The plan on customs duties was performed, despite the reduction in the volume of imports. - 08D-

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