Foto Milli Turizm Təbliğat Bürosunun

Foto Milli Turizm Təbliğat Bürosunun

Baku / 19.04.18 / Turan: With the support of the National Bureau for the Promotion of Tourism in Baku, an agreement on cooperation between Azerbaijani and Chinese travel companies was signed.

Business structures specializing in the field of health tourism intend to attract up to 2 thousand tourists a year on the basis of this agreement. According to the experts from China, their citizens will primarily be interested in treatment and prophylaxis in Naphthalan.

As reported in the National Bureau for the Promotion of Tourism, tour packages will be 12-day. During this time, tourists from China will visit Baku and Naphthalan. Chinese experts say that in order to make health trips, up to 1 million citizens leave their country every year. Basically, these are middle-aged and elderly people.

Previously, tourists from the Middle Kingdom often visited Azerbaijan within the framework of unified tourist packages for the countries of the South Caucasus. The new agreement is aimed at visiting Azerbaijan.

The National Bureau for the Promotion of Tourism considers the Chinese market to be one of the priorities for attracting tourists. Since last year, the tourism potential of Azerbaijan has been more actively promoted in this country. We invite bloggers, journalists and travel agents from China, and together with partners, large-scale projects are developed. And the new signed agreement is one of the logical results of this partnership.

In 2017, 10,258 Chinese citizens visited Azerbaijan. -0-

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