More than half of the investment portfolio of SOFAR in USD

Most of the investment portfolio of the State Oil Fund of Azerbaijan (SOFAR) is located in US dollars.

According to the October 1, 2014, SOFAR assets amounted to $ 37 billion 305.3 million, of which 0.01% or $ 39.6 million in in the Azerbaijani manat, and the rest is in foreign currency.

The investment portfolio of the fund is $ 37 265 700 000. $ 20 028 million or 53.8% is in USD, 34% - in euros, 5.1% - in GBP, 1.2% - in the South Korean wons, 1.1% - in Turkish liras, 1.1% - in Russian rubles, and 0.5% - in Australian dollars. Investments in gold amounted to 3.2%.

The types of investments are as follows: 43.3% of the Fund's investment portfolio is available in the corporate sector papers, 17.2% - in bonds of agencies and international organizations, 18.2% - in financial bonds, 9.7% - in short-term commercial papers, and there are also other tools.

The geography is as follows: 54.11% of the SOFAR investment portfolio is in Europe, 22.32% - in North America, 12.59% - in the Asia-Pacific region, 3.69% - in South America, and there is a small share for other regions of the planet.

The share of investment projects in the portfolio is meager - 0.9%. Most of all - 82.2% of the funds are in bonds, 7.4% - in deposits and money market instruments, 3.5% - in stocks, 3.2% - in gold, and 2.8% - in real estate.

The Azerbaijan Oil Fund accumulates revenues from the sale of oil contracts, in particular from the sale of profit oil of the state, transit tariffs for the transportation of oil and gas in the country, from the lease of state property, etc. --17D-

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