Net profit of Pasha Sigorta in 2016 amounted to 19 Million Manat

The assets of the insurance company Pasha Sigorta OJSC in 2016 increased by 19,470,176 manat or 17.2% compared to 2015, making 132,640,323 manat.

The company's capital grew by 2,030,919 manat or 2.9% and is 72,041,642 manat.

During the reporting period, the obligations of Pasha Sigorta amounted to 60,598,681 manat (an increase of 17,439,258 manat or 40.4%).

In 2016, the company's revenues amounted to 104,643,199 manat, and its expenses were 80,983,652 manat.

The company received 19,386,918 manat of net profit.

OJSC Pasha Sigorta is included in the group of companies Pasha Holding. The insurance company’s authorized capital is AZN 50 million.     ----71D

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