Nominal Salary on Railways 256.1 AZN

The average monthly nominal wage of railway workers was 256.1 AZN ($ 240) as of October 1.

According to the SSC, it is the lowest one in the transport sector. According to official statistics, maritime workers receive the highest salary – 1,043 AZN (+ 41.6% YTD).

Meanwhile, the average salary of employees of air transport is AZN 822.3 (+ 4.6%), pipeline companies - 716.9 AZN (1.9%), subway - 583.7 AZN, and vehicles - 476.1 AZN.

The transport sector employs 73.6 thousand people (72.1% - in public transport companies and 27.9% - in private ones).

In information and communication enterprises the average monthly salary is 748.3 AZN, and ​​26.4 thousand people work in this area. --17D-

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