Number of Preschool Institutions Increased by 1.5%

According to the State Statistics Committee, at the beginning of this year 1,706 pre-school educational institutions operated in Azerbaijan. In 2014 there were commissioned 26, including 15 private kindergartens.

According to official estimates, only in Baku there are 1,100 kindergartens.

By the beginning of this year preschool educational institutions registered 116,000 children, including 53,800 girls.

Last year, the number of children in kindergartens increased 8,350 people. The number of preschoolers in private kindergartens increased 683. At the beginning of this year 56 paid kindergartens brought up 2,244 children.

In 2007-2013, 82 kindergartens were privatized in Azerbaijan. Most of them, due to the absence of proper control from the State Committee for Property Affairs, have changed the profile of activity.

Since January 2014 the law "On the provision of long-term tax benefits to babies’ homes, nurseries, special kindergartens and orphanages" has been enacted. The law provides for the release of these institutions for 10 years from the payment of income tax and simplified tax.

Parents, whose children are educated in private kindergartens, pay from 100 to 600 manat per month for that.  –0--

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