At a regular general meeting of shareholders of Capital Bank held on April 4, it was decided to send the entire net profit in the amount of 52 million 384.8 thousand manat to pay dividends to the shareholders, Turan was reported from the Board of the bank.
A dividend of 3 manat 49 gapick was added to each share. Last year, the dividend accrued per share was 4 manat 13 gapick (without deduction of tax on dividends). Since this year, a 10% tax on dividends is not levied.
In 2016, the net profit of OJSC Capital Bank by the method of the International Financial Accounting Standard was about 87 million manat, 15 million manat less than in 2015. The amount of the tax paid from the profit amounted to 23 million 730 thousand manat.
As of January 1, 2017, the bank's assets grew by 44% and exceeded 2.9 billion manat.
The authorized capital of Capital Bank OJSC has not changed during the last three years and is 185 million 850 thousand manat. In the turnover there are 15 million shares, face value of 12.39 manat each.
The external auditor of the bank is Ernst & Young, which this year also gave a positive audit evaluation to the financial report.
The bank belongs to the group of companies Pasha Holding, which owns 99.87% of its shares. Minority shareholders (over 180 individuals) own 0.13% of Capital Bank. ----08B
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