SOCAR plans to develop liquefied natural gas (LNG) sale and invest into the LNG terminals in Malta, SOCAR President told journalists at the International Conference IP Week, which is held in London from February 9 to 11.
Elshad Nasirov, SOCAR Vice President for Marketing and Investments, told journalists that the company will also invest into construction of the power station in Malta, which will be operating on gas. Abdullayev specified that the project is implemented with the partners – Siemens company and a local company. “We will also be involved into the LNG trade,” Nasirov added.
“LNG for the trading will be purchased at the market and we also working on the LNG operations in West Africa – Burkina Faso, Togo and construction of the pipeline from the ocean to Burkina Faso to supply the country with gas,” Nasirov said. He specified that it is planned to invest into construction of the re-gasification terminal jointly with the African partners, reported Interfax.—0—
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