In the towns of Guba and Gusar a social project "good driver" is implemented.
As stated in the press release, the insurance company AXA MBASK said project on road safety is involved because of the special urgency of the problem of security on the roads and streets of the country, and it begins with the regions.
"Good driver" is designed to encourage road users to behave responsibly on the roads and to encourage honest and responsible drivers.
So, in this framework the company AXA MBASK with the support of local authorities and departments of state traffic police work on the streets and avenues with heavy traffic in Guba and Gusar, distributinh informative memo to drivers about the basic rules of behavior on the road. Drivers are also informed that non-compliance with basic rules of the road, not the use of seat belts and child seats in the car are the main causes of road accidents and road traffic injuries.
In the future, as part of this social initiative, the company will develop a new special insurance program for responsible drivers in the capital and regions and will regularly carry out activities aimed at the dissemination and promotion of a culture of safe driving, designed for both children and adults.
The insurance company AXA MBASK in 2010 began the process of implementation of international standards AXA Group in the existing business processes of the company. From 2010 it began the implementation of international standards AXA Group in the existing business processes of the company. Implementing the plan for the development of sales through a network of insurance agencies, in a short term there have been opened about 80 points of sale of insurance policies oriented to work with individuals and legal entities, as well as with financial institutions of all types of insurance.
European quality of service, as well as the timeliness and completeness of payments was the fact that the company in a short term has been awarded eight international and national awards as the "Insurance Company of the Year." --17D-
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