Tax revenues from the oil sector declined by 3%

The Ministry of Taxes in the first two months of this year provided 1 119.5 million manat, which is 6.8% more than in the same period of 2012. The share of non-oil sector accounted for 49.8% of tax revenues.

The Ministry of Taxes told Turan, that in January and February of this year, the non-oil sector provided payments to the state budget for a total of 554.1 million manats. This is 17 million or 3% less than the same period of 2012.

The share of profit tax in the structure of tax revenues reached 41.3%, an increase of 1.7%. By 2.5% decreased revenue from VAT (24%). Despite the changes in the scale of tax payments from the income of individuals, on this tax no change (11.4% of the tax revenues).

In 2012, the tax authorities must ensure that the state budget 6.4 billion manat. - 08D-


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