Tender for Alat-Astara highway

JSC Azeryolservis at the Ministry of Transport has announced a tender for the construction of a 32.2 km section of Alat-Astara highway, which runs from the train station to the city Jalilabad Masalli. The tender will allow companies to meet not only the technical but also the financial criteria.

According to the technical requirements of the construction of the road, it has a new road axis. On this road there are 15 road and a railway bridge, two other road node. Construction work to be completed in 2.5 years.

Note that Alat-Astara highway is an important component of two major international transportation projects - the "North-South" and "East-West". It is on the transport route linking Russia, Azerbaijan and Iran, which is an important part of the North-South corridor. Part of the road from Alat to Masalli is 112 kilometers long and is constructed by loans from the World Bank and the Government of Azerbaijan. The rest of the road (Masalli-Astara) is constructed by the Asian Development Bank. ADB for road construction in Azerbaijan approved a loan of $ 500 million, of which to date they have allocated $ 400 million for the construction of the Masalli-Astara road. - 08D-


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