Capital of Xalq Bank will grow by 8.6%.
According to the State Committee for Securities (http://www.scs.gov.az/new/?sec=news&type=4&lang=1&id=563), recently registered was the issue prospectus of the bank for the changes in their nominal value. Thanks to the conversion of the nominal value of a share (of 3 million 630.3 thousand common unregistered shares) will increase from 46.58 to 50.6 manat.
Total capital increase from the current 169 million 99 thousand 374 to 183 million 693.18 thousand manats.
License number 246 on the professional activities of "Xalq Bank" was issued December 27, 2004.
Shareholders are three entities: LLC "Ideal Business" (50%), LLC EuroStandard (33,85%), and LLC Avanqard-1 (16.15%). - 17D-
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