Thousand of Belarusian Tractors in Azerbaijan

Belarus is one of the main suppliers of motor vehicles to Azerbaijan. For three quarters of this year Belarusian motorists shipped to Azerbaijan over 1,000 tractors and bodies for them, trucks, spare parts, etc. totaling $ 37,221,900, according to the National Statistical Committee of the country.

Until October of this year Azerbaijan purchased 772 tractors Belarus, which are 226 units more than in the same period of 2013.

For the purchase of 12 dump trucks designed for use in off-road conditions, $ 5,286 800 was spent. In June of this year Daskesan Filizsaflasdirma (included in the structure of the state JSC Azerbaycan Polad Istehsali Kompleksi) entered into a contract with the leasing company Irridio Motors (a subsidiary of JSC BelAZ) for the purchase of 10 trucks BelAZ-7547 with capacity of 45 tons and 2 vehicles BelAZ-75131 with carrying capacity of 140 tons. The leasing contract for the above techniques provides that the full cost will be repaid for 4 years at 4% per annum.

It was also purchased 21motor vehicles for the transport of goods with an internal combustion engine with diesel or semi-diesel fuel flammable from compression, with full vehicle weight exceeding 5 tons but not exceeding 20 tons (total cost - $ 1,238,600) and 5 trucks - gross vehicles with weight exceeding 20 tons, each of which will cost the Azerbaijani side $ 211,600.

The number of purchased tractor bodies (242) has grown at an annual rate of 65 units. Ganja Automobile Plant has paid more than $ 1.4 million to Minsk Tractor Plant. In January-September last year, a body was sold in Azerbaijan at $ 5,383, but this year the Belarusian side sells this product for $ 422 more expensive - $ 5,805.

Since the beginning of the year to build vehicles and for so on needs there were purchased in Belarus over 2 000 tons of parts and accessories for motor vehicles for a total cost of $ 10.3 million.

According to the State Customs Committee of Azerbaijan, in the first nine months of this year the Azerbaijani customs declared motor vehicles and their spare parts manufactured in Belarus, totaling $ 21.5 million. --08B--

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