Vision Fund Azercredit expanded the portfolio in the past year by 36.5%

Active credit portfolio of non-bank credit organizations Ltd. Vision Fund Azercredit in January-December 2012 increased by $ 15.23 million or 36.5% to $ 56.92 million

Assets of the company for the period increased by $ 20.49 million, or 43.8%, to $ 67.34 million total number of customers increased by 26.7% to 59,750 persons.

The share of bad loans in the portfolios of the Company amounted to 0.21%. 33.5% of the borrowers are women (by 7.5 percentage points less than it was at the end of 2011).

Company Vision Fund Azercredit operated since 2003. For all the time, the company has granted loans totaling $ 159.88 million loan issued for a period of 3 to 30 months, and the amount is in the range $ 100 - $ 10 000. - 15B -


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