The Heydar Aliyev Center in Baku.May 30, 2023

The Heydar Aliyev Center in Baku.May 30, 2023

The visit of Israeli President Yitzhak Herzog to Azerbaijan has become symbolic in terms of a number of anniversaries: the 75th anniversary of the State of Israel, the 30th anniversary of the opening of the Israeli Embassy in Baku, the centenary of President Heydar Aliyev, at which Azerbaijani-Israeli relations were launched. In the words of Israeli Ambassador George Dick, bilateral relations are based on the "three whales" policy laid down in the early 90s: 1) strategic cooperation in the field of security 2) energy 3) historical friendship.

Few people remember that at the dawn of bilateral Azerbaijani-Israeli relations, during the official visit of Heydar Aliyev to Iran on June 29-July 2, 1994, when drafting the Azerbaijani-Iranian final communique, the Iranian side put forward a proposal to link the condemnation of the Armenian aggression against Azerbaijan with the parity condemnation of Israeli aggression and the anti-Islamic course of the West. But Aliyev categorically refused this, at the same time achieving, although vaguely, but condemnation of the Armenian aggression by Iran. Later, there were open threats against Heydar Aliyev from the Iranian side, including the Islami-Ittihad Movement, located in Baku. Despite this, Azerbaijan's subsequent cooperation with Israel assumed a strategic character in the field of security. And with the start of the big oil phase, which started by 2005, Azerbaijan became an umbrella of Israel's energy security, covering 50% of oil needs.

The visit of Yitzhak Herzog was the second official visit of the presidential level to Azerbaijan. In June 2009, President Shimon Peres visited Azerbaijan. Then the visit became an event of extraordinary significance, to which the close attention of all countries of the region and neighboring powers was riveted. An impressive business team of 60 representatives of leading Israeli companies who took part in the Azerbaijani-Israeli business forum accompanied Peres during his visit.

Explaining the purpose of his visit and Israel's growing interest in cooperation with Azerbaijan, President Peres unequivocally stated: "We can give you technology, and you can give us oil." I must say that this formula has been developed in the process of deepening cooperation between the two countries. Even then, it was decided to carry out the construction of a high-tech plant by Aeronautics ltd, specializing in defense technologies. Although deep-rooted relations between the two countries have gained momentum, Baku has until recently avoided opening its embassy in Israel, given Iran's extremely nervous reaction to the processes of Azerbaijani-Israeli cooperation. Despite this, there is no doubt that the motivational basis of Peres' visit to Baku was not only economic, but also geopolitical component. Acting in line with the new American plan for a "geopolitical reset" of the situation in the region, Israel (following Turkey) is also taking active steps to strengthen its influence in the South Caucasus and in the Caspian area.

There is no doubt that Azerbaijan, due to its geographical location and geopolitical role in the region, is of the greatest interest to Israel. The then Israeli Ambassador to Azerbaijan Artur Lenk remarked, "both we and they are small countries that, diplomatically speaking, are in a difficult environment." Against this background, as well as the growing Iranian threat, Azerbaijan and Israel need each other. He noted that this situation is mutually beneficial - Israel is getting another moderate Muslim state as an ally, intending to use Azerbaijan as a kind of "intelligence springboard". In turn, Azerbaijan counts on the active political support of Israel and the influential Jewish lobby of the United States on many topical issues.

Subsequently, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's visit to Baku in December 2016 was a landmark high-level visit. Yossi Cohen, the head of the Israeli Mossad intelligence service, called the visit strategically important from the point of view of discussing topical security issues. Then Israel officially raised the issue of increasing the level of security cooperation between the two countries and preliminary negotiations were held in this regard. Both sides have committed themselves to increasing multilateral cooperation on issues of common security threats. This visit was intended to increase Azerbaijan's security against external threats and ensure the security of both countries in the region."

Few people know that Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, visiting Baku, offered Azerbaijan to assume the functions of a mediator and act as a mediator in the settlement of Israel's relations with Palestine and Syria, Fatah, and Hamas. This visit was also a reconciliation of the hours for the period that passed after Netanyahu's first visit to Baku.

The Israeli Prime Minister arrived in Baku at 4 a.m. on August 29, 1997 (on his way from Seoul to Jerusalem) and left for his homeland at 9:00 a.m. local time. He had a four-hour conversation with Heydar Aliyev at the Zagulba residence.

"I highly appreciate the visit of the Israeli Prime Minister to Azerbaijan. I think this is a good opportunity to further deepen and strengthen relations between the two countries," Heydar Aliyev said. In turn, the Israeli Prime Minister noted that the main purpose of his visit to Baku is "the creation of bilateral ties in economic and other fields."

When asked by Turan whether the security issues of the two countries were touched upon, the Israeli prime minister said: "We discussed all aspects of bilateral relations. As two independent states, we must strengthen these relations and involve other countries in cooperation, such as Turkey, Jordan, Egypt and other Muslim countries."

To the next question about the influence of Iran on Azerbaijani-Israeli relations, Netanyahu said that "Israel is seriously concerned about the transfer of nuclear components to Iran. The talk is about  taking concrete measures, especially through the United States, to prevent the situation from becoming more complicated."

It became known from informed sources that Israel and Azerbaijan finally received the approval of the United States to force the partnership. Official Tel Aviv has instructed its diplomats in Washington to work intensively to provide all possible support for Azerbaijan's foreign policy, BBC correspondents reported. Even without such a leak of information, it can be assumed that the parties demonstratively "confidentially" (although everyone knew it) discussed both the problem of Iran and the mechanisms of lobbying Azerbaijan.

Israel's geopolitical activation was caused by two factors: the threat of reanimation of the war with Palestine and the consistent desire to establish closer partnership relations with Baku within the framework of the synchronous actions of the US-Turkey-Israel alliance in protecting its interests in the region.

This interaction subsequently became an important factor in strengthening the defense capability and security of Azerbaijan, which set a strategic goal of restoring territorial integrity and eliminating the Armenian occupation.

According to the Stockholm Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), between 2014 and 2018, Azerbaijan was the second largest buyer of military equipment in Israel, accounting for 17% of Israeli arms exports. In 2016, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev said that his country had purchased Israeli weapons worth $4.85 billion.

It is no secret that the interaction of Israel, Turkey and Azerbaijan led to the defeat of the occupying Armenian army in the 44-day war in 2020 and the restoration of the territorial integrity of the country.

The Duke's visit was also intended to strengthen Azerbaijan's security in the context of a new round of aggravation of the situation in the region due to the Iranian threat, especially in light of the intensification of Iran's development of nuclear weapons and carrier vehicles.

On May 4, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galant, during a visit to Greece, said that Iran may have enough enriched uranium for five nuclear warheads, and warned Tehran that the transition to weapons-grade enrichment could "set the region on fire."

His remarks echo the concern of the international community, which has intensified in recent months, that Tehran is enriching uranium closer than ever to weapons-grade levels. Experts say the Islamic Republic has enough fuel to build "several" atomic bombs if it wants to.  "Make no mistake, Iran will not be satisfied with one nuclear bomb," said Yoav Gallant.

This statement was preceded by a new round of aggravation of relations between Baku and Tehran, expressed by a demonstration of force by Iran and an attack on the Azerbaijani embassy in Tehran. But unlike the political atmosphere in which the press visited, when Baku was noticeably cautious about Tehran, today Azerbaijan demonstrates a much more independent position, despite Tehran's threats, opening an embassy in Tel Aviv and hosting the President of Israel at the Heydar Aliyev Center in Baku, openly declaring consolidation of efforts to counter the Iranian threat.

Azerbaijan has a great influence in the world and in the Middle East region. "We reviewed Iran's regional and global security structure, which poses serious threats to the region, and discussed this issue in detail," Herzog said, without revealing details of the talks with President Aliyev.

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