Police with unlimited powers, partisan media
Great East
Alongside a significant compensation from Russia, the demand for the ousted dictator Bashar al-Assad on December 8 is a product of Ankara's wisdom towards Damascus: the day after a meeting held in Damascus by Mikhail Bogdanov, Putin's special envoy for the Middle East, the press secretary Peskov's statement, "We want to send a delegation," shows that Moscow is struggling to open dialogues. Yes, while the fate of the military intelligence station at Hmeymim, along with the Tartus and Latakia bases, hangs in the air, the sharp demands of Damascus' temporary administration were something Dmitri Peskov did not want to comment on, and how these demands will be minimized with concessions remains unknown.
It appears that the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) will demonstrate unwavering determination until the end to secure the release of the leader of PKK terrorist organization leader Abdullah Ocalan, who has been sentenced to life imprisonment. The unseen aspect is where MHP leader Devlet Bahçeli is deriving this determination from: is it his own will, or has Mr. Bahçeli taken on the subcontracting of this matter, especially within the framework of agreements reached amid ongoing processes in Syria?
On January 14 in Washington, at the U.S. State Department building, Armenia’s Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan and U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken signed a strategic partnership agreement between the two countries.
Türk siyasətini yaxından izlədiyim 1991-ci ildən bəri polis əməliyyatlarının ümumilikdə kürd təmayüllü partiyalara və siyasətçilərə qarşı aparıldığına, tutulması lazım olan şəxslərin həbsxanaya göndərilməsindən və aranın nisbətən sakitləşməsindən sonra siyasi arenadakı kürd partiyası Konstitusiya Məhkəməsi tərəfindən qapadıldığına şahid olmuşam.
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