Протест женщин в Мазари-Шарифе. Фото с сайта Khaama.com

Протест женщин в Мазари-Шарифе. Фото с сайта Khaama.com

Baku/07.09.21/Turan: On September 6,  women in Kabul and in the central province of Daykundi, the cities of Ghazni, Herat and Mazar-i-Sharif, held actions  protesting against the Pakistani Air Force's air strikes against the positions of the Afghan Resistance Front in the Panjshir province.

While condemning Pakistani interference in the internal affairs of Afghanistan, they also demanded the creation of an inclusive government for the country.

The slogans "Freedom", "We do not want captivity", "Allah Akbar" were heard, according to the Afghan agency khaama.com.-0--

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