Baku/20.11.17/Turan: The Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov devoted a considerable part of his speech at the University of Baku to the criticism of the West. According to Lavrov, "the main obstacle on the way of democratization of interstate communication, its development on the on the principles of equality, mutual respect, and respect for each other's interests remains the ambition of a narrow group of Western countries led by the United States to maintain its dominance in all areas of international life."
"Several centuries ago the so-called "The historical West" directed the whole world, "ordered music" and, of course, from these habits, which, probably, are already rooted genetically in the leadership of a number of Western countries, it is very difficult to refuse.
Therefore, they still want to continue to dictate their will, to ensure their well-being in our land at the expense of others. Certainly, the line to interfere in the internal affairs of sovereign states, the use of force bypassing the UN Security Council, the use of unilateral sanctions, the extraterritorial application of its legislation, the attempts to adapt the institutions of the "cold war" to modern realities, by and large all this led to the devaluation of the role of international law and a number of multilateral institutions, has caused a significant loss of global and regional security and stability," Lavrov complined.
In his view, attempts to unite a unipolar model of the world led to an increase in chaos and uncertainty. At the same time, according to Lavrov, today the formation of a new, more just and democratic multipolar world order system is taking place.
Lavrov refers to the platforms for such activities as BRICS, SCO, UNEG, CSTO, CIS and other international associations. -06D--
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