Торговое судно с топливом тонет у берегов Габеса, Тунис, на этом рекламном снимке, полученном REUTERS 17 апреля 2022 года. Министерство обороны Туниса/Раздаточный материал через REUTERS Тунис задержал экип
Baku/23.08.22/Turan: Two Azerbaijani sailors detained in Tunisia in April of this year have been released, the press service of the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry.
On April 16 this year, when the "Xelo" ship wrecked in bad weather, seven members of the crew of the ship flying the flag of Equatorial Guinea were detained. They were brought in to investigate the causes of the incident and give a legal assessment. Two crew members were citizens of Azerbaijan - Safarov Fadail Ahmed oglu and Panahly Ali Mirza oglu.
The Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry sent official appeals to the relevant state structures of Tunisia and visited the detainees.
Contacts were established with the owner of the vessel and negotiations were held on providing legal and financial assistance to those in a difficult situation.
On August 10, the Preliminary Court of the city of Gabesha decided to release the crew members and on the 21st, Azerbaijani citizens left Tunisia, the Foreign Ministry said.
The message, however, does not specify what kind of cargo was transported by the wrecked ship and the name of the company that owned the ship. --06B--
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