Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

Baku/12.11.21/Turan: Constitution Day is celebrated in Azerbaijan on November 12. After the collapse of the USSR, the Constitution of independent Azerbaijan was adopted in 1995. In August 2002, March 2009 and September 2016, the Constitution was amended  by referendum. Currently, the Constitution consists of 5 sections, 12 chapters,  and 158 articles. To what extent is the Constitution observed in Azerbaijan?

The chairman of the Human Rights Committee of the Milli Mejlis, Zahid Oruj, told Turan that the Constitution was adopted in Azerbaijan only 4 years after gaining independence. “In the subsequent period, the most important state building, politics, law, political freedoms, the formation of the media took place at the expense of the aforementioned Constitution. This in itself was an important event in the life of a truly independent country after the collapse of the Soviet Union. "

According to him,  the flawless functioning of the highest values, important principles of the Constitution, laws and legal acts arising from it, require various guarantees. "The development of public institutions, the rise of state-civil relations to the level of advanced countries, to which we are striving, the formation of a common position on counteracting foreign intervention and raids is not limited only to the adoption of a legal act. In the next period, the joint activity of all important institutions is required to raise high level".

The MP noted that the occupation of Azerbaijani territories had a negative impact on the establishment by the Supreme Principle of the Constitution of sovereignty over the entire geography of Azerbaijan.

He stressed that the amendments to the Constitution, carried out several times, proved that the state is interested and capable of carrying out constitutional reforms, taking into account the challenges posed by society, as well as events taking place in the regional and international space.

According to the member of the committee, after the victory in the Patriotic War, a lot of work has to be done throughout the country to establish all the norms of the Constitution, including further expanding the rights and freedoms of citizens, bringing a number of advanced international norms into the legislative system of Azerbaijan. "Therefore, if the law is violated somewhere, we must approve the Constitution as the highest value of society by further improving the management system after this ability, further strengthening the policy of Mr. President to create a new government in 2019."

The head of the Public Association "Center for Law and Development" Hafiz Hasanov said that the Constitution adopted in 1995 had many good provisions. “It was the basic law, which generally complied with international standards, with the exception of some nuances. But then there were changes to the Constitution 3 times. As a result of these changes, there was mainly a restriction of rights, the expansion of the powers of the executive power, an increase in its role, and this led to the Constitution to the negative. "

According to the expert, the Constitution needs additions and changes in a broader form, which serve as a guarantee for the expansion of human rights, expansion of the powers of the legislative and judicial authorities. “Today the Constitution of Azerbaijan has many problems related to the application of human rights, the independence of the courts. Examples include international reports on human rights and decisions of the European Court of Human Rights. ”- 0—


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