Court of Justice cannot ensure the attendance of witness in Hilal Mamedov trial

Today at the trial of the editor of Tolyshi Sado Hilal Mamedov they discussed the application of the accused and counsel, made at the previous meeting. One of them contained a request to investigate the circumstances of the death of one of the witnesses - Aziz Agakishiev. Mamedov believes that he could be killed.

The second request was put forward by the lawyer Ramiz Mamedov and is associated with the need to call the Nizami police investigator Jeyhun Musayev. The defense believes that he exceeded his authority by authorizing a search in the rented apartment of Mamedov.

The third petition was filed by Counsel Javad Javadli and concerned the need for fingerprint examination to establish the fingerprints on the bag with drugs identified on Mamedov.

The state prosecutor opposed all the motions. According to him, there is a death certificate attesting the witness died of a cerebral-vascular accident.

The investigator Musayev acted within the law. As for the fingerprint examination, it will not give anything because of the expiry of the time.

The court rejected all petitions. The judge Azer Orujov said that the second witness Ulfat Abbasov can not be brought to court because he is in Russia.

Therefore, it was suggested to read the testimony of both witnesses and proceed to investigate the facts.

But the lawyers objected to this and reminded that by law only a deceased witness testimony can be read.

The judge promised to come back to this issue at the next meeting, appointed to 7 August.

Before the trial a group of public support for Hilal Mamedov held a picket with about 30 people. The participants were holding placards with slogans such as "Freedom to Hilal Mamedov," "A fair trial for Hilal Mamedov," "End the lies against Hilal Mamedov». The rally lasted about 10 minutes and there was no police intervention.

* Hilal Mamedov was arrested on 21 June 2012 and charged with illegal possession of narcotics, treason and inciting ethnic hatred. However, local and international organizations believe that Mamedov is persecuted for political reasons. -06C-


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