Democratic forces of Azerbaijan call for consolidation in the face of the Russian threat

On Monday the participants  of the debate on the topic "Russian threat and Azerbaijan" adopted an appeal to the people of Azerbaijan , in which they expressed concern about the growing threat to national security.

The appeal says that "the Russian threat" has become a real geopolitical event, as Putin and his expansionist Customs  and Eurasian Unions are a direct threat to international security , as well as post-Soviet countries, including Azerbaijan.

Military expansion, federalization, the Karabakh problem and the creation of such similar problems are not just blackmail, but a real threat to the statehood of Azerbaijan , the statement says.

Russian threat is reinforced by the internal socio-economic tensions , inequality , corruption, violations of the rights and freedoms of citizens , the lack of free elections , leading to the degradation of the national idea. Under  such situation,  the appeal participants consider it necessary to create internal trust between the authorities and the people and  make democratic reforms.

This idea was expressed in the seven required actions: neutralizing the collaborationist forces, both in the government and society; achieving national reconciliation and the release of all political prisoners ; the formation of the national resistance forces ; implementation of deep democratic reforms and the creation of conditions for free elections ; strengthening European integration process and the establishment of an alliance with the forces opposed to Russian expansion ; strengthening ties with the Turkic world and enter into a military alliance with Turkey.

Finally, the document calls on the government to take measures to protect the sovereignty at the international level , in particular to support the rejection to use of the veto in the UN Security Council and consensus  in decision-making within  the  OSCE.—0-

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