Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

Baku / 04.09.20 / Turan: Tofig Yagublu and dozens of other citizens arrested on politically motivated charges should be released, and the charges against them dropped, Freedom House said in a statement.

“The Yagublu case demonstrates an increase in the crackdown on government critics and a flagrant disregard for freedom of speech and the rule of law by the authorities,” said Mark Berendt, director of Europe and Eurasia programs at Freedom House.

“The Azerbaijani government is openly using the COVID-19 pandemic in order to pursue its opponents. Yagublu and dozens of other citizens arrested on politically motivated charges should be released and the charges against them dropped,” the statement said.

* Azerbaijan has the rating “Not Free Country” and is classified as a consolidated authoritarian regime.-16D-


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