Human rights activists reported in PACE list 81 political prisoners in Azerbaijan

Representatives of civil society of Azerbaijan on 24 June at the PACE summer session presented the Council of Europe, as well as representatives of the international community the nationwide list of political prisoners in Azerbaijan.

The list is prepared on the basis of criteria established by the PACE resolution number 1900 of October 3, 2012 for the definition of a political prisoner.

The list was promulgated in order to attract international attention to the problem of political prisoners. To achieve the solution to the problem in accordance with international obligations under the government of human rights NGOs in the country are ready for discussions with all stakeholders.

The list was compiled by 11 NGOs dealing with human rights and in particular the rights of political prisoners, the provision of legal aid, leading campaign Public Advocacy, the head of the Society Legal Defense and Education Rasul Jafarov told Turan.

Among them are: Legal Education Society Resource Centre, Human Rights Alliance for Political Freedoms, Azerbaijani National Committee of Helsinki Citizens' Assembly, Election Monitoring and Democracy Training Center, Community for Legal Defense and Education, Institute for Reporters Freedom and Safety, Democratic Monitoring, Institute for Media Rights, Association of Lawyers of Azerbaijan and the Center for National and International Studies.

Among those whose immediate and unconditional release is required, are 29 people, including journalists and bloggers Abdul Abilov, Sardar Alibeili, Parviz Gashimli, Hilal Mamedov, Omar Mamedov, Rauf Mirkadyrov, Rashad Ramazanov, Tofig Yagublu, Avaz Zeinally, as well as human rights activists - Anar Mammadov, Bashir Suleymanli, Gurban Mammadov and Emil Mammadov.

The list also includes youth activists - 7 members of NIDA and Orkhan Eyubzade, "politicians” - Ilgar Mamedov, Nemat Panahli and Yadigar Sadigov, a "social activist" Thale Bagirzade and three sentenced to life imprisonment on the Special Police Regiment case - Elchin Amirslanov, Arif Kazimov, and Safa Poladov.

52 Cases of political prisoners should be revised. They include journalists Nijat Aliyev and Araz Guliyev.

They are followed by various groups of believers - 10 people on the case of Said Dadashbeyli, 5 people from the Islamic Party, including its leader Movsum Samedov, 9 people arrested for protesting in front of the Ministry of Education on May 6, 2012 in defense of the hijab in schools, 13 - for taking part in a similar action October 5, 2012,  6 arrested in September 2012 in Masalli and the theologian Abgyul Suleymanov.

In the category of former officials are former ministers Ali Insanov and Nijat Guliyev, former manager of the president, Akif Muradverdiyev and former employee of the Special State Guard Service Asif Latifov.

Besides, in this category, there are two convicts on the Ismayilly case - a local activist Vasif Ibrahimov and the brother of a local journalist Elchin Ismayılli, Elshan Ismayılli. Finally, in the same list there is PFPA leader Ali Kerimli’s brfother-in-law Elnur Seyidov.

Yesterday the PACE Bureau decided to transfer to the PACE Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights consideration over the political prisoners in Azerbaijan. The Committee will appoint a rapporteur on political prisoners and prepare a draft resolution. – 06B -

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