Kerimli: Death of Grandfather of Rashadat Akhundov on Conscience of Azerbaijani Authorities
The leader of the Popular Front Party of Azerbaijan ( PFPA) Ali Kerimli blamed the authorities for the death of the grandfather of the youth activist of NIDA Rashadat Akhundov, Inayat Akhundov.
74-year-old I. Akhundov did not stand the presentation of new serious accusations to his grandson, slashed his wrists and died a day later.
"The regime has already taken not only the liberty or property, but even the life of its opponents. The grandfather of Rashadat Akhundova did not resist the announcement of new far-fetched accusations against his grandson. A teacher with 45 years of experience committed suicide by cutting his wrists. The authorities have once again committed a crime under Article 125 - abetment of suicide. In this country they can easily arrest politically active people on trumped up charges, abuse them, invade the house, and kill at the threshold of the apartment. I agree that the way to live and make a difference is difficult. But it is a way out that helped around 100 nations of the world achieve freedom. The exit route passes through peaceful mass struggle for decent life and a fair society.
We will achieve freedom, when we start to look for a cure in ourselves, and not in some kind of international processes. We will not wait for someone to fight for us, and we ourselves must become masters of our own destiny. And then we will know that those who oppress the people for many years are in fact cowardly and pathetic creatures," Kerimli wrote on his page on Facebook. - 0 - -
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