Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

Baku/12.06.21/Turan: Since July 1, the German authorities have removed from the list of epidemiologically unfavorable regions a number of countries where the rate of coronavirus infection within a week exceeds no 200 people per 100, 000, according to the Robert Koch Institute, basic German organization of Germany to fight the pandemic.

The category of countries from which people can arrive in Germany by land includes Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Armenia, Moldova and the Balkan countries.

Besides, Germany opens its borders for those arriving from the United States, Canada, Lebanon, Austria, and Cyprus.

This decision was made by the German government after more than a year of closed borders for tourists. For Russians, the borders remain closed.

Those arriving by land from these countries will be exempt from mandatory quarantine. -02D-


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