Nasimi district court refuses to release Ilgar Mamedov

Today the Nasimi district court considered the petition of Ilgar Mamedov,  the  head of the “Republican Alternative” (REAL) Civil Movement. 

According to the Criminal Procedure Code, the accused may be released on bail in the amount of not less than 10,000 manat, Turan was told by the lawyer Fuad Agayev. However, the court rejected the petition.

The court's decision will be appealed, the lawyer said.

Mammadov was taken to court and said that his arrest  was unfounded and politically motivated.

* Mammadov and deputy chairman of the "Musavat" party,  Tofig Yagublu, were arrested on charges of organizing riots  in Ismailly region on January 23-24, and resisting police.

Mamedov’s candidature for presidency was put forward by the REAL  Movement. -16B06-


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