On June 21, the early termination of the powers of the Milli Majlis will be announced

On June 21, the early termination of the powers of the Milli Majlis will be announced

At a extraordinary session of the Milli Majlis on June 21,  the early termination of the powers of the parliament and the calling of early parliamentary elections will be announced. The parliamentary sources told Turan about this.

This information is indirectly confirmed by today’s closed meeting in the ruling Yeni Azerbaijan Party, which has an absolute majority of seats in parliament.

It is supposed that Yeni Azerbaijan will initiate the self-dissolution of the parliament. After which the Milli Majlis will appeal to the president with a request to call an early elections.

Earlier, the head of the Central Election Commission, Mazahir Panakhov, did not exclude holding of the parliamentary elections earlier than November, due to upcoming COP29 climate summit in Baku.

Taking into account that elections are announced two months before voting day, the early parliamentary elections will take place in late August - early September.

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