Baku/03.08.22/Turan: The Party of Democracy and Prosperity (PDP) has developed a "roadmap" for transition to people's power (representative democracy)".

The "roadmap" involves the adoption by Parliament of the Law "On Lustration", the creation of an independent working group on the preparation and implementation of constitutional reforms, formed on a parity basis from representatives of pro-government and opposition organizations.

It is also proposed to reform the CEC on the basis of equal representation of pro-government and opposition structures for free elections.

The PDP considers it important to restore the mixed majority-proportional system of elections and increase the number of seats in the Milli Majlis from 125 to 150.

The "roadmap" provides for balancing of powers between the branches of government. At the same time, it is important to limit the powers of the executive branch, abolish the institution of the vice-president and expand the functions of the legislative and judicial authorities.

It is also proposed to create on a parity basis a working group of representatives of the government and the opposition to address human rights issues reflected in the reports of international human rights organizations.

The same group is proposed to be created to investigate the facts of corruption, money laundering, illegal financial transactions and capital outflow abroad. The results of the investigation must be submitted to the state bodies for legal proceedings. After that, it is proposed to declare a financial amnesty.

The PDP insists on urgent fulfillment by Azerbaijan of international obligations in the field of human rights, including freedom of assembly, media, expression, movement, removal of artificial obstacles in the creation of public associations.

A separate paragraph proposes the release of political prisoners.

The "roadmap" put forward a proposal for the adoption of a Constitutional law on ensuring fundamental human rights and freedoms and the application of severe punishment for their violation.

The PDP also considers it necessary for Azerbaijan to implement the recommendations on combating corruption of the GRECO Group of the Council of Europe and the adoption of the "Law on Punishment for Corruption" proposed by the Council of Europe.

Also, the importance of declaring the annual income of all civil servants without exception was emphasized.

Besides, it is proposed to adopt a law on conflict of interests, ensuring transparency of tenders and public procurement, reforming local authorities, expanding the powers of municipalities and their financial base.

In addition, it is proposed to create unified municipalities for the capital Baku and the second most populous city of Ganja.

The "roadmap" provides for the resoluition of foreign policy issues as well.

In particular, it is proposed to accelerate the European integration of Azerbaijan, to sign an agreement on association relations with the EU.

Also, Azerbaijan's accession to the WTO is proposed.

Besides, it is proposed to create public councils to monitor the activities of executive authorities, courts, police, as well as a public commission to combat corruption.

*The PDP was set up on October 17, 2021 on the basis of the Movement for Democracy and Prosperity, created in 2015. The organization is headed by Doctor of Economics, Professor Gubad Ibadoglu.-06B-

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