OSCE media freedom representative condemns attack against Azerbaijani journalists

 OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Dunja  Mijatovic  condemned an attack on a group of journalists on Friday in Sabirabad  region in central Azerbaijan and called on the authorities to carry out a  swift investigation.

"I strongly condemn today's attack on the journalists," Mijatovic  said. "Violence against journalists continues to endanger media freedom  situation in Azerbaijan,"

According to media reports, a group of journalists, including Etimad Budagov  from Turan Information Agency, Roya Rafieyeva from Yeni Musavat and Ramin  Deko and Sevinc Vagifgyzy from Azadliq newspapers, were attacked and  physically assaulted while covering the election-campaign event of a  candidate for the presidential post, in the Sabirabad region. The attack took  place in the presence of law enforcement officers who reportedly did not intervene to prevent the beating. Some of the journalists were seriously  injured and their equipment damaged.

"Any violence against journalists is unacceptable and should be treated as  an attack against the society as a whole," said Mijatovic. "It is  particularly unacceptable if the attack took place in the presence of police  officers, who are responsible to assist and protect journalists."

"I urge the authorities to launch immediate investigation in the case to  bring the attackers to justice and do their utmost to ensure the safety of  media workers at all times." -02D-


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