Popular Front activists will be brought to trial

A member of the Majlis  of PPFA, Elchin Hasanov, head of the city Party organization, Ulvi Guliyev, and activists  Elshan, Adishirin and Mahir were detained last  night  in Sumgayitby traffic police  at around  00:20 when they were sticking campaign materials of the presidential candidate of Jamil Hasanli, the National Council of Democratic Forces (NCDF.)

The detainees were taken to the 1st branch of the city police, gave testimonies, and were released at about 03:00, Elchin Hasanov told Turan.

According to him, the traffic police wrote in the report that the detainees were drunk, and Hasanov also disobeyed police.

On Saturday Hasanov again was   summoned to the police  office, and reported that his case will be considered  in the court. -03B06-  


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