President of OPEC arrested in London

President of the OPEC oil cartel Diezani Alison-Madeuke , arrested on October 2 in London, was released on bail, Western media reported on 3october , citing the police in London.

Alison-Madueke 's passport was confiscated, so she could not leave the UK.

In addition to the president four others were also arrested on suspicion of bribery and money laundering.

Alison-Madueke, when being Minister of Nigeria,  was accused of embezzling millions of dollars of public funds on luxury items such as private jets. Nigerian Senate in 2009 filed a charge against her of paying public money bills from a private company to $ 6 million.

The state oil  company of  Nigeria investigated the theft of billions of dollars.

54-year-old Alison-Madueke  was elected the  president of OPEC in 2015. She graduated from Harvard University, worked for Shell. In 2007 she was appointed Minister of Transport in Nigeria. Then in 2008-2010 she  was Minister of Mines and Metallurgy, in April 2010 - Minister of Petroleum Resources of Nigeria.

She became the first woman president of OPEC. -02D-

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