Putin Criticizes NATO Summit at BRICS Forum, Calls for Strengthening International Law

Putin Criticizes NATO Summit at BRICS Forum, Calls for Strengthening International Law

Russian President Vladimir Putin used the X BRICS Parliamentary Forum as a platform to respond to the recently concluded NATO summit in Washington. Speaking against what he termed the confrontational policy of the "golden billion" nations led by the United States, Putin emphasized the necessity for Russia and its partners to engage in dialogue. He underscored the importance of protecting international law from the monopolistic norms of the West and improving it to foster development rather than destruction.

The BRICS Parliamentary Forum, currently being held at the historic Tauride Palace in St. Petersburg, has attracted representatives from the ten BRICS nations as well as delegates from various other countries. Valentina Matvienko, the Speaker of the Federation Council, highlighted the growing interest in BRICS, noting that 24 states are seeking to join the bloc.

Addressing a diverse assembly of politicians, President Putin appeared in high spirits, reflecting Russia’s openness to dialogue and readiness to engage with representatives from any nation. In his speech, he extended a particular welcome to Tulia Exxon, Chairman of the Interparliamentary Union. "We see in your participation a sign of support for the creative partnership of representatives of the legislative authorities of the countries of the Global South and the East, and indeed all countries interested in constructive interaction and cooperation," Putin stated.

The forum's theme, "The role of parliaments in strengthening multilateralism for equitable global development and security," was praised by Putin for capturing the essence of the significant global transformations underway. He acknowledged the challenges of transitioning to a new world order that reflects the true balance of power and addresses new geopolitical, economic, and demographic realities. According to Putin, this transition is both complex and "painful," yet essential for the future.

The BRICS Parliamentary Forum serves as a critical platform for discussing these issues, with Russia poised to lead BRICS in 2024. As global power dynamics shift, the forum's discussions are expected to influence the direction of international cooperation and development.

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