The gas pipeline from Russia to Iran will pass through Azerbaijan, its route has been agreed upon. Energy Minister Sergei Tsivilev told reporters, TASS reports.
"Through Azerbaijan, the route has been agreed. Now we are in the final stage of negotiations. Volumes have already been agreed, the parties are discussing the cost of the project, the head of the ministry said.
Iranian authorities expect to create a gas hub on the territory of the country together with Russia, Qatar and Turkmenistan.
Russian President Vladimir Putin confirmed at a press conference on 17 January after talks with his Iranian counterpart Masoud Pezeshkian that the project to build a gas pipeline between the two countries is in the works.
According to him, deliveries at the first stage may be up to 2 billion cubic metres, but they can be increased to 55 billion cubic metres annually.
It should be noted that official Baku has not reported anything about such a project.
2 comment
Rusiya və İran öz əraziləri kimi Azərbaycan üzərindən qaz xətti, dəmir yolu çəkir. Ancaq Qazaxstan və Türkmənistana Xəzərin dibi ilə qaz və neft boru xətlərini Azərbaycan üzərindən Türkiyə və Avropaya çəkməyə icazə vermirlər. Biz suveren öıkə deyilik?
Müslüm Əliyev
А зачем Стране Огней пуповина голубого топлива соединяющая страны-изгои?