Scientists from different countries and businessmen from Turkey called for release of Iqbal Abilov

Scientists from different countries and businessmen from Turkey called for release of Iqbal Abilov

A group of scientists from universities and scientific centers of different countries appealed to Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev and First Vice President Mehriban Aliyeva on 30 July due to the criminal case against Talysh researcher Iqbal Abilov.

They called for assistance in his release.

‘We know I. Abilov as a talented scientist-ethnographer, who studied in the course of field studies the peculiarities of culture of various ethnic and confessional groups in the South Caucasus, Asia Minor and the Middle East. His interests were strictly scientific, and his goals were exclusively academic,‘ the scientists’ appeal reads.

In particular, he co-authored the translation into Turkish of Boris Miller's 1903 work on Turkish folk songs.  Using Turkish language materials, Abilov studied gestures and the system of addresses in Turkish.

Abilov also participated in the creation of the first Turkish-Russian phraseological dictionary.  Having been engaged in field ethnography, he studied the life and culture of the peoples of Turkey and the South Caucasus, including Azerbaijanis, Turks and Talysh, the authors of the appeal further noted.

‘As a specialist in international relations, Abilov was also engaged in studying the problem of Turkey's regional policy in the South Caucasus, as evidenced by the topic of his thesis: "Turkey's Relations with the States of the South Caucasus", says the appeal.

The authors of the appeal emphasize the “objectivity” and “non-biased” nature of Abilov's research.  They ask President I. Aliyev, as a constitutional guarantor of judicial independence and justice, and the First Vice-President ‘as a patroness of culture and art, to take into account this appeal and prevent unjustified persecution of talented scientist Igbal Abilov’.

The appeal is signed by 20 scientists from universities and scientific centers of Russia, Belarus, USA, Sweden, Kazakhstan, Germany, Norway, France and Ireland.

Recall that 25 representatives of business circles of Turkey also appealed to Aliyevs not to allow criminal prosecution of Abilov.

 The authors note that they had the opportunity to personally communicate with Abilov at scientific events in Turkey and Belarus and characterize him as a professional with a scientific interest in the culture of Turks and Turkic countries.

In view of the above, the authors ask the heads of Azerbaijan to assist in stopping Abilov's criminal prosecution.

The Public Council of Talyshs of Azerbaijan (OCTA) also issued a statement on Abilov's case. It emphasizes that Abilov is a researcher-ethnographer, Talysh scholar, editor-in-chief of the "Talysh National Academy Bulletin", and his works have been published in various international scientific collections.

The OCTA considers Abilov's arrest unjustified and the charges against him fabricated and called for Abilov's immediate release.

Add that Iqbal Abilov was detained on 22 July when he came to Azerbaijan to visit relatives. He is charged under Articles 274 (high treason), 281.3 (public calls directed against the state, committed on the instructions of foreign organizations or their representatives) and 283.1 (incitement of national, racial, social or religious hatred and enmity) of the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan. In particular, it is alleged that all these offences were committed on the instructions of Armenia's special services.

Abilov denies the charges.

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