The police does not allow to commemorate the victims of the terrorist attack at the Oil Academy(video)

Reinforced police prevented the youth activists to commemorate the victims of the massacre in the Oil Academy on the occasion of the 4th anniversary of the tragedy.

Police cordoned off the building of the Oil Academy, where the bloody drama was played out, and no one was  allowed there.   The police forced out young people with flowers in their hands, and detained Abulfaz Gurbanly, the head of the Youth Committee of Popular Front.

Later, a member of the  NIDA Movement, Turgut Gambar, was detained near the Library named after Akhundov.  It happened when the police began to disperse approximately  50 young people who  gathered  to make a rally.

Another group of young people  managed to lay flowers on the boulevard, where the concert will take place today. In this way, young people protested against the  concert on the day of the victims of terror.

Neither the government nor the leadership of the Oil Academy conduct activities commemorating the victims of the tragedy.

* On April 30, 2009 a native of Georgia, Farda Gadirov, entered the building of the Oil Academy, opened fire with a pistol, killing 12 and wounding 13 people. Four fellows of  Gadirova were convicted on the case  - three to life imprisonment, and one - to 11 years in prison. –16C06-


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